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Writer's pictureOmimelli

Oddú of the Year 2013 in United States by the Temple of Ministers Shango Eyeife


The following oddú was done in Florida by the Temple of Ministers Shangó Eyeife in Miami.

Main Sign: Eyila y unle (12-8)

Arayé elese eleddá (problems that emerge due to bad choices) Osobbo

It is recommended to always consult with godparents.

Main Orisha: Shango Secondary Orisha: Yemayá

Accompanying Orishas: Eshu and Oshún


1. When my memory fails, I will go back to the secrets 2. A king goes to war and wins. 3. Without a head there can be no crowning. 4. A spider does not let go of its web; it stretches it. 5. When a whistle rejects a voice, it makes no sound. 6. If you do not speak, no one will understand you. 7. If you do a favor that harms you, you act against yourself. 8. When there is no respect, all is lost.


Oní Yemayá Achabá

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